A varinha de condão que foi presente de uma das pequenas na escola me fez lembrar de um texto rabiscado e deixado dentro da minha agenda.
"I've always believed that were the things you don't choose that make you who you are.
Your city.
Your neighborhood.
Your family.
People here take pride of these things like they were somehow accomplished.
The bodies around their souls.
The cities wrapped around those.
Your city can be hard.
When I was young, I asked my priest how you can get to Heaven and still protect yourself from all the evil in the world...
He told me what God said to his children:
'You're sheep among wolves, be wise as serpents and innocent as doves'"
Do filme Gone Baby Gone, de cuja tradução não lembro agora... mas que, definitivamente, não era literal.
Aah, as pequenas felicidades do dia-a-dia...
Bom final de semana :)
Configurações da câmera: para uma tarde de sol, só color accent em roxo.